City-Wide Protection, Inc.
Traffic Safety Escorts & Limousines

Because it all Rides on Reputation
"Let the lights guide you home" Cremation Memorial Procession
Evening service booking hours are 6pm - 10pm 7 days a week, based on availability.
Evening Memorial Service Details

Our signature beacon light

"Let the lights guide you home"
City-Wide wants your loved ones passing to be memorable. That's why we designed a memorial procession service specific to Cremations.
Our evening "Let the lights guide you home" service allows you to work with your funeral director to coordinate the procession details, such as gathering locations, reception ideas and reservation of Traffic Safety Escorts.
Our traffic safety specialist will greet your family, review a safe route based on the starting and end locations and prep each participating vehicle with our signature beacon light. Beacon lights are only available on evening services and must be returned.
Service Package (A) Includes:
20 participating vehicles (max),
City-Wide Lead vehicle
(2) Traffic Safety Escorts
Procession Route Planning
20 beacon lights for vehicles - (must be returned)
Service Package (B) Includes:
30 participating vehicles (max),
City-Wide Lead vehicle
(3) Traffic Safety Escorts
Procession Route Planning
30 beacon lights for vehicles - (must be returned)
Our Staff is available to answer any questions,
Please call: 303-557-8454
Please Contact your Funeral Home/ Director
for price details
Our Staff is available for price quotes, Prices may vary based on distance and service details.